January of 2020, this would have been viewed as the strangest sentiment to kick off the New Year, but now, after nearly two years which have changed all our worlds, it feels right.
We survived, not without pain, and not without loss, but survived well enough to push on and look towards the promises of 2022 and what it might bring. In the quiet two years here on the farm, our flock has grown. Our livestock shelter and hay barn as well as our cheese kitchen, milking parlor and farm store buildings are now standing.
After the heavy rains of the past few weeks, the goats and sheep are all warmly and dryly tucked up into the barn. A barn that now smells of hay and livestock where just weeks before it smelled nearly sterile. The pasture has been seeded and rained (heavily) on. Green now shows where just weeks ago there was only brown. Breeding season was ignored this year, but still bucks and rams got in with the girls so we will have an uncertain lambing and kidding season which may start as early as February and extend into May.
As always, there is uncertainty, but there is promise ... there is hope and we look forward to all of the uncertainty of the new year. May 2022 be the best year for us all.